Thursday, 14 October 2010


This adaptation of a cult Kurt Vonnegut novel, lives up to and cements the already iconic status of the existing story.

The film follows Billy pilgrim, a WWII soldier unstuck in time and as such yo-yoing between the front, a Dresden prisoner of war camp, home (twenty or so years on) and a human zoo on the alien planet of Tralfamadore...but thankfully, he's joined by a sex starlet and lives happily ever after.

Vonnegut must have been a joy at a dinner party. His imagination sees the boundaries, then hop, skips and jumps over them.

Fun Fact: Vonnegut loved this film! He gushed over how amazingly true he saw it to his own work. The film also won the Prix du Jury at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.


  1. What I meant to say was: You know how theres a Kurt Vonnegut Jr well I always assumed that this is his son right but some young English upstart tried to correct me at a Hostel in Bratislava about two years ago, saying that it is the same man, a pseudonym. Please elucidiate CultfilmzUk. Thanks.

  2. Aye, that's the way I see it an all.
