In 1975, a group of oddities known collectively as Monty Python created a comedic retelling of the life of Arthur, king of the Britons (the fella with the round table and some knightly mates).
Plot: Arthur is off to find a few decent blokes (not like the silly ones at Camelot, who sing and dance and stuff) to help him on his holy quest to find the cup of Christ. On his way he meets Sir Galahad the Pure (and oh so chaste), Sir Robin (a bloody coward), Sir Lancelot the Brave (possibly Gay?) and an overly brave and deluded knight capable of sustaining loss of all limbs and still trying to fight. Along route, the gang of misfits encounter shrubberies, the very large forest dwelling knights who say Ni and the fearsome Rabbit of Caerbannog.
If you were to look up odd, silly and ridiculous in a dictionary, the faces of John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman and Michael Palin would stare back at you and grin inanely.
Only children and people who have seen this film understand the pleasure that can be derived from wetting one's self. Joyous!
Budget: (doing it in £ this time) £229,575
Gross: £80,371,739
Fun Fact: With the monsterous popularity this film has enjoyed, it's no surprise that a musical version was created and has performed worldwide, Spamalot.
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