In 1973, The Deadly Three (originally titled, Blood and Steel) was released as Enter the Dragon. In the final film in a glittering career (responsible for changing cinema going for ever), Bruce Lee Kung-fu chopped, kicked, slapped and loads more things 'ed...his way through a cacophony of villains on the island of the evil Mr Han, at the urging of a British Intelligence officer and with the aide of a couple of other blokes, Jim Kelly and John Saxon, having all been invited to a contest of skills.
Script-wise, you can't say much about this film (despite being co-written by Lee himself). It was however the pre-cursor to a slew of would be martial arts tournament films, Jean Claude Van Damme vehicle-BloodSport, most notably.
It is the film by which most action films, martial arts ones mainly, are judged. Long may directors try to better it. I look forward to the results.
Budget: $850,000
Gross: $90,000,000 (world wide and over a bit of time too)
Fun Fact: Stunts were provided by Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung among others. There's also a cameo by Bolo Yeung, the bad guy in BloodSport.
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