Wednesday, 20 October 2010


You can't go far wrong when Stevie S directs, and in his first outing he happens to be bulking out a feature version of a Richard Matheson (I am Legend) short story.

Seems for Mr Spielberg there wasn't a great deal to be done script wise. The story follows a salesman, who overtakes a smoke expelling truck on a highway and is promptly chased...alot. That's ya lot folks. It's good though. It shows how much tension and horror can be evoked from such little substance. You can probably name half a dozen similarly themed features with this undertone.

Budget: $450,000

Fun Fact: Matheson's short story was originally published in Playboy magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Love this film ever since we studied it in high school. All I really remember is the truckers arm resting on the door and thats all you see of him/her/it. Cool.
