This 1985 New Zealand film takes depressive futures to a new high...low...whatever.
Plot: Fella wakes up (scientist bloke) and finds that everybody had vanished. No radio signals, no T.V, no nuthin'! Turns out, he's been involved in an experiment for a global energy grid, but it all went a bit squiffy and everyone is dead...everyone apart from a chick and a Maori fella (seems they died accidentally at the same time as the scientist fella and somehow that means they live). We all know that a car with three wheels doesn't corner well. What happens with an emotionally charged threesome?!
I saw this film as a young teen and it's haunted me ever since. A great tale, both moral and timely.
Budget: $1,000,000
Gross: ?
Plot: Fella wakes up (scientist bloke) and finds that everybody had vanished. No radio signals, no T.V, no nuthin'! Turns out, he's been involved in an experiment for a global energy grid, but it all went a bit squiffy and everyone is dead...everyone apart from a chick and a Maori fella (seems they died accidentally at the same time as the scientist fella and somehow that means they live). We all know that a car with three wheels doesn't corner well. What happens with an emotionally charged threesome?!
I saw this film as a young teen and it's haunted me ever since. A great tale, both moral and timely.
Budget: $1,000,000
Gross: ?
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