Saturday, 23 October 2010

Captain America

You know, a lot of bad things have been said about this early adaption of the Marvel hero, but could have been so much worse.

Granted, the lead actor is rubbish, admittedly, the story is lacking (not keeping wholly to the origin backstory) and some of the direction seems to have gotten lost (ha haaa), but, the shield is bang on and it's the best you've got til the new film gets released.

Plot: Cap is just some limpy fella, until the American government enhance him by, it would seem, electrocution (rather than the super-soldier serum in the comics) and he heads off to fight the scourge of WWII, the Red Skull (an Italian super baddy with a V2 rocket). Cap gets stuck on said projectile and ends up trapped in the ice in the arctic. Then, in the late 1980s/90s, some scientists find him, he thaws out and tries to catch up and get Red Skull a second time. Red's older, but still feisty and gives Cap a run for his dollars.

It's a bad script. Pale and you wonder why Stan Lee allowed it, but then you realize that the Marvel Studios of the 1980/90s weren't the quite as marketable as the recently sold 2010's Studio (sold to Disney for $4 billion I hear).

Fun Fact: The film was meant to be released to coincide with the Captain America 50th Anniversary, but despite trailers before the Tim Burton Batman, the film headed direct to VHS...and some theatres in Europe (we'll give anything a shot it would seem).

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