A giant ovarian egg floats through space, explodes and spills its goop all over the place...
Plot: A science crew has landed on a Mars-type planet and begun investigations on a series of underground tunnels. Happening upon a clump of funny coloured crystals (one of the crew accidentally falls on em), the chap goes a touch nuts and dies. Shortly after one of the women has a similar issue and also goes bonkers, this time killing off the crew one by one. Oh, and she's been knocked up somehow by said space goop (has a rather odd dream about a bug-eyed fish creature that artificially inseminates her with a very long glass tube and green liquid).
This isn't a pleasant film, there's sexism (see below), racism (token 'black guy' gets killed off asap) and the expectant mother even gets a kick in the stomach for her trouble (to be fair, she deserved it). There are a pair of crackin' alien babies though, watch out for them!
Line of the film: "I know what I'd like to do to her ass!"
Budget: £1,000,000
Gross: £?
Fun Fact: Filmed in Kent-Chislehurst Caves, starring Stephanie Beacham and partially funded by The Shaw Brothers- Five Deadly Venoms.
Plot: A science crew has landed on a Mars-type planet and begun investigations on a series of underground tunnels. Happening upon a clump of funny coloured crystals (one of the crew accidentally falls on em), the chap goes a touch nuts and dies. Shortly after one of the women has a similar issue and also goes bonkers, this time killing off the crew one by one. Oh, and she's been knocked up somehow by said space goop (has a rather odd dream about a bug-eyed fish creature that artificially inseminates her with a very long glass tube and green liquid).
This isn't a pleasant film, there's sexism (see below), racism (token 'black guy' gets killed off asap) and the expectant mother even gets a kick in the stomach for her trouble (to be fair, she deserved it). There are a pair of crackin' alien babies though, watch out for them!
Line of the film: "I know what I'd like to do to her ass!"
Budget: £1,000,000
Gross: £?
Fun Fact: Filmed in Kent-Chislehurst Caves, starring Stephanie Beacham and partially funded by The Shaw Brothers- Five Deadly Venoms.
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