Monday, 9 January 2012

The Toxic Avenger

Troma Entertainments, 1984 cult classic- Toxic Avenger, directed by Lloyd Kaufmann & Michael Herz.

Plot: In the town of Tromaville, Mervin the ne're do well mop boy of the local gym, is subjected to regular bullying from the 80's tough guys, Bozo & Slug (you know the type). When a prank involving a pink tutu and a sheep in a bra pushes him too far (as you'd imagine it might), Mervin jumps head first out of a window. Oh, did I mention Tromaville is the toxic chemical capital of the world? So much so that truck drivers transport the stuff in vats, minus the lids.

Exposure transforms Mervin into Sloth's (Goonies reference folks) fugly, badass brother. He wins over the townsfolk by graphically maiming ridiculously dressed gang members (complete with spinning newspaper montage), until he dry cleans a midget. He must now eveade and survive a National Guard assault and save his true love, a blind chick called Sarah.

Line of the film: "Alright everybody, drop your tacos and I'll blow ya brains out!"

Who'd drop their taco with a promise like that?!

Campy, gory b-movie/cult nonsense, set (as you'd hope) to a decidedly iffy 80's soundtrack, except the transition to 'A Night on Bare Mountain' whenever Merv has a scrap. Tremendous fun!

Budget: $500,000

Gross: $800,000

Fun Fact: Three sequels followed this success, a kiddy show and a musical.

review by Callum Stockdale

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