Friday, 12 October 2012

The Haunting

A horror classic and a cult icon in it's own right.

Plot: Following a string of "accidental" deaths in and around the mansion, Hill House remains under the supervision of married caretakers and under the ownership of a family in Boston. Upon hearing of the house and it's availability, a researcher in the field of the supernatural- Dr John Markway decides to visit the home of the unfortunate first owner- Hugh Crain, but he's not going alone.

Accompanying him are the nephew of the new owner (a sprightly young man with a knack for self preservation), a female psychic and a rather timid girl, who has spent the last decade caring for her terminally ill mother and who had, in her past, experienced something of the paranormal herself.

Making use of a fantastic setting, some deliciously acute angles, superb sound effects and a cast that truly throws itself into the script, The Haunting is a masterpiece in Chill Theatre.

Despite it's dated appearance, the cinematography (making use of an incomplete 30 mm lens from Panavision) and the story, stand proudly among the best of the genre.

This is a film not to be missed and also...not to be watched alone!

Budget: $1,400,000

Gross: $?

Fun Fact: Look out for Dr Markway's wife- Miss Moneypenny (a great role for her). A remake with Liam Neeson sucked, in 1999 and a loosely based Red Rose was at first co-written by Steven Spielberg and Stephen King, then finished solo by King.

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