Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Village of the Damned

I love all things John Carpenter, even his crazy moustache and his delight in 80's synth musak, but I didn't exactly enjoy this effort.

Plot: After a spate of narcolepsy, wherein an entire village goes to beddy-byes, the female populous soon find out that they have all been blessed with pregnancies. That'd be fine, except many of the ladies were without partners at the time and as such, immaculate conception became a little concerning. Never the less, they decide to keep the kids and are even lucky enough to have their medical debts paid by a nice lady from the US Government- Kirstie Alley. Over the course of the following few years, it becomes clear that our silver haired kids take the occasional painful accident to heart and as such, kill off offenders.

The adults of the sleepy little town of Midwich (ha ha, sleepy) get a touch miffed at their over reactions and as such go on a bit of a witch hunt. What is it with small town pitch fork mafias? Well, it's down to the town doc- Christopher Superman Reeve to save the day.

Can he?

Budget: $22,000,000

Gross: $9,417,567

Fun Fact: Look out for the appearance by Mark Hamill (Star Wars) as the town Reverend, very funny.

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