Friday, 28 September 2012

Total Recall

Whoops. Thought I'd reviewed this long ago. Guess not. Here you go, better late than never.

Plot: Fella (Arnold Schwarzenegger) keeps dreamin' a Mars, a place he ain't never gone ta, but really, really wants ta. So, after he's done with his day job, he pops along to Rekall, where if you ain't got the time or money for the real holiday, the company will insert a fake, but totally real feelin' memory of your chosen destination. But wait, there's more. You can be someone else too. Not just boring old you, no, you can be a playboy or a sports star or even... a secret agent. Oh yeah!

So, into the funky future chair ya sit, off ta sleep ya go and upon your awakening, you've had a swell time and even saved Mars in the process. Sweet. All good, unless something goes tits up and guess what...?

Well worth the watch. Not least for the ever awesome 80's power of Arnie, but for the special effects, the story (based on the Philip K. Dick novel) but also for the directing- Paul Verhoeven, the fella behind other spacey awesomeness as Robocop and Starship Troopers.

Budget: $50-60,000,000 A massive budget in 1990 and still pretty darn big now)

Gross: $261,299,840

Line of the film: "That's your wife?...What a Bitch!".

Fun Fact: There was a TV show- Total Recall 2070. Never saw it, never heard of it 'til now. David Cronenberg also wrote 10 drafts of the script before he gave it up as a bad job.

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