Friday, 4 May 2012

Real Genius

80's, computers (of course), lasers, spaceships (well, spaceship), Val Kilmer (Willow). Nice.

Plot: A 15 year old genius kid is recruited to university by a Government funded douchebag designing space based laser technology. The awkward young man meets his hero- Val Kilmer, another genius, with a love for the ridiculous and shares his dorm room. There's also another fella, living in the wardrobe. Any who...the pair realize, after they have completed this weapon of mass/individual destruction, that they have been duped and set about to correct the error.

Alarming/worrying scenes involve our 15 year old being kissed by a 30 something woman, intent on bedding him and the same said kid hooking up with a 19 year old girl. While at the age of 15, I would have been rather excited by both prospects, looking on it now, it seems this 1985 comedy was either advocating statutory rape...or just being playful, you decide.

Budget: $?

Gross: $12,952,019

Fun Fact: Promotion for the film was conducted via computer, using the CompuServe network.

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