Friday, 11 May 2012

Moon Zero Two

Filmed in the late 1960's, Moon Zero Two is a British Sci-Fi which will only serve to amuse and bore in equal measure.

Plot: The first man on Mars is now a salvage man, orbiting the Moon, retrieving space junk and annoying Pan Am commercial space pilots. When approached by a billionaire (who likes to play 'Moonopoly'-no spelling error) to direct a Sapphire laden asteroid onto a barren area of the Moon, he agrees, only to later discover that said wealthy fella is not entirely nice. Slow motion anti-gravity (people moving slowly and pretending), 60's furnishing and an appearance from that big bloke in most of the 'Carry On' films are the main reasons to watch this film, though you'd be forgiven for fast forwarding towards the eventual, predictable ending.

A segment referring to Neil Armstrong was inserted towards the end of filming to capitalise on the 'recent' success.

Line of the film: 'I'm always at a disadvantage when I haven't got any clothes on'.

Budget: £500,000

Fun Fact: Visual effects (such as they were) came from the team that worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey, surprisingly.

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