Based on a Stephen King short story, Dino De Laurentis (Danger Diabolik) figured this was worth the full length treatment...wrong.
Plot: 1963, two young boys are cornered in a train tunnel by a gang of four 18 year old's, in leather jackets and driving a black car with flames down the side. After a touch of thuggery, the elder of the two brothers is stabbed to death, the young one runs off and by a stroke of luck, a train slams into the car and 'offs' the baddies...except, sometimes they...(fill in the blank).
Cut to the late 80's/early 90's and the demonic bullies are back, this time they want revenge...for something, not that they actually have anything to avenge.
It's kind of a Stand By Me...with ghosts. Not great, barely good.
Fun Fact: Two sequels followed, Sometimes They Come Back Again and the even more imaginatively entitled, Sometimes They Come Back For More. A small appearance comes from William Sanderson (Blade Runner).
Plot: 1963, two young boys are cornered in a train tunnel by a gang of four 18 year old's, in leather jackets and driving a black car with flames down the side. After a touch of thuggery, the elder of the two brothers is stabbed to death, the young one runs off and by a stroke of luck, a train slams into the car and 'offs' the baddies...except, sometimes they...(fill in the blank).
Cut to the late 80's/early 90's and the demonic bullies are back, this time they want revenge...for something, not that they actually have anything to avenge.
It's kind of a Stand By Me...with ghosts. Not great, barely good.
Fun Fact: Two sequels followed, Sometimes They Come Back Again and the even more imaginatively entitled, Sometimes They Come Back For More. A small appearance comes from William Sanderson (Blade Runner).
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