Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Shocking more in that it was filmed, than the story itself. However, it has to be one of, if not the first Nazi occult type films made, 1977.

Plot: A tourist boat off the coast of Florida, led by a 'rummy' captain and his two crew members are enjoying the sun and sea, when one night, while on watch, a very large cargo steamer seems to bear down on the tourists. As a result, they run a ground near a conveniently situated island...or is it? On said island lives a rather crusty Peter Cushing (Hammer Film Legend) and his not so friendly Nazi Storm Troopers. Credit to our tourists, they do appear to take the revelation of zombie Nazi's in their stride (Ha, stride, get it...they're soldiers, they march around?!...forget it). Then they try and fight 'em off.

Also known as Almost Human and Death Corps.

Budget: $200,000

Fun Fact: If you'e looking for other films of the Nefarious Nazi ilk, check out these, Outpost, Dead Snow (reviewed in To be section), Horrors of War, Zombie Lake and Oasis of the Zombies.

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