Looking back, I realise the first time I saw this film, I must have been around 6 yrs old and I didn't like it.
Really, didn't like it. I didn't get it?! but then time travel films always confused the heck outta me and this one can't have helped.
Plot: A jumbo jet from 1989 collides with another and results in the aviation accident fellas being brought in to investigate. Kris Kristofferson is the lead bloke, he meets the leading lady, Cheryl Ladd and they get it on. Then it turns out that there's something rather peculiar about our lady temptress, like, she came from the future in late 1980's special effects and changes her hair into blonde quiffs on far too many occasions. Ok, future folk, stealing past folk that would have died anyway...and stuff.
For around 45 minutes, you'd be forgiven for forgiving the failings of the film, because it looked like it was on the right track...then the 46th minute arrives, the 47th and so on. Not great, but you gotta love the human/robot, the wierd bloke in the wheelchair and the apparent lack of care taken in the future regarding chain smoking.
Made a whopping $5,777,000 at the box office!
Fun Fact: Four different directors signed up and left the project and in that time, the writer re-wrote the story 6 times.
Really, didn't like it. I didn't get it?! but then time travel films always confused the heck outta me and this one can't have helped.
Plot: A jumbo jet from 1989 collides with another and results in the aviation accident fellas being brought in to investigate. Kris Kristofferson is the lead bloke, he meets the leading lady, Cheryl Ladd and they get it on. Then it turns out that there's something rather peculiar about our lady temptress, like, she came from the future in late 1980's special effects and changes her hair into blonde quiffs on far too many occasions. Ok, future folk, stealing past folk that would have died anyway...and stuff.
For around 45 minutes, you'd be forgiven for forgiving the failings of the film, because it looked like it was on the right track...then the 46th minute arrives, the 47th and so on. Not great, but you gotta love the human/robot, the wierd bloke in the wheelchair and the apparent lack of care taken in the future regarding chain smoking.
Made a whopping $5,777,000 at the box office!
Fun Fact: Four different directors signed up and left the project and in that time, the writer re-wrote the story 6 times.
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