Thursday, 11 November 2010

The Hitcher

Awesome!!!! In so, so, sooooo many ways!

This is the reason that you don't give a stranger a lift, especially if you're delivering a car from one end of the United States to another.

Plot: Lad is delivering said car, see's a fella hitch hiking and thinks, What's the worst that could happen? and in pops Mr Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner) in a trench coat and an odd look on his face. Thing's are hunky doorey until Ruts' tells the lad (C.Thomas Howell) that he murdered the last fella that gave him a lift and C.Thomas is next...Dun dun Duuuuhhhhhh! C.Thomas boots him out and heads off...then there's the chase!

There is categorically NO reason not to watch this film if you are a fan of horror.

Budget: $6,000,000

Fun Fact: A sequel (also with C.Thomas Howell-cos' he's kinda a crappy actor and doesn't get many good roles) was released in 2003 and the remake (with the legend that is Sean 'I'm a Yorkshire Boy' Bean) in 2007.

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