Directed in 1986 by Russell Mulcahy (Razorback) and starring a French actor by the name of Christopher Lambert and a Scottish fella called Sean Connery, we find out that along with regular folk, there's a bunch of immortal people running around the world, from pretty much the dawn of time, trying to chop each others heads off. Why you ask would you want to take part in timeless genocide? Well, if you happen to be the last of the immortal race, you win a 'Prize'. Not like at the carnival, when you get a goldfish or a cuddly elephant, no, if you win, you get all knowledge and a connection to everyone. Kinda omnipotent...a tad God-like.
So there's the good guys, Frenchman Lambert as a Scot and his mentor, Scotsman Connery as a Spanish-Egyptian, then there's the bad guys, mainly just American Clancy Brown (the Kurgan), fella with a big slash across his throat and what I can only guess is a Kiss (the band) fetish-he keeps sticking his tongue out and wiggling it about a lot.
With music by Queen and Michael Kamen (Die Hard) and a budget of $16,000,000 you'd have hoped that it'd do alright. Sadly, Highlander failed to make it's money back. This clearly didn't stop it's rise to video cult status and the resulting franchise- Highlander having seen four sequels (II:the quickening, the final dimension, the end game, the source), three TV series (Highlander the series, Raven and the animated series) and an animated film-Highlander: the search for vengeance.
Fun Fact: there may be a remake...with Vinnie Jones as the Kurgan.
Also, instead of Lambert, it could easily have been either Mickey Rourke or Marc Singer...imagine...
seems there could be only three.
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