Pick of the week.
Hands up if you've seen Explorers?
One, two...is that your hand up at the back? Don't be shy. Three, right. Well, you're my people.
This film is the sci-fi film of the decade, the 80's decade I mean. Directed by Joe Dante (Gremlins!...and Pirahna) and starring a stellar cast (get it?!...more bad puns to come, bear down folks), that's Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix, Explorers tells the story of Ben (Hawke), he loves his sci-fi nonsense, reads all the trash novellas, watches War of the Worlds and is a staunch follower of drive-in sci-fi sitcoms. One night, Ben has this dream about flying over a giant circuit board. Turns out, his mates (Phoenix, etc) had the same dream...weird huh? Well, they decide to build a spaceship, using the schematics they dreamt (smart lads these) and pop out to see who's up there.
Think, Goonies in space.
Industrial Light and Magic are responsible for the special effects and Academy award winner, Jerry Goldsmith (Poltergeist & Chinatown) the musical score. Placing number 7 on the Top 11 Underrated Nostalgia Classics, it's easy to see why the word Cult lends itself to this romp. If I say romp, I mean it folks.
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