Directed by Bert I.Gordon (Empire of the Ants) and utilising back projection to emphasise the creatures, this film follows along the same theme as the afore mentioned and reviewed film, this time using some odd, white gloop instead of Toxic Waste.
Plot: Taking a break from the Professional Football season, three fellas pop off to a random island to enjoy a spot of hunting, horse riding and general Little do they know, that on said island, the food of the Gods (the white gloop) has been discovered by a farmer and his wife and subsequently fed to their chickens. Cue the biggest Cock you ever saw (Chicken joke). Unfortunately, it's not only the chickens that took advantage of this new found nectar. Wasps and big, f*ck-off rats are on the war path.
It's down to the football "jock", a pregnant couple, the farm owner and a greedy businessman to save themselves and stop this "stuff" eeking out into the world.
Tagline: "One taste is all it takes"
Budget: $?
Gross: $?
Fun Fact: The film was "based on a part of an H.G. Wells story".
Plot: Taking a break from the Professional Football season, three fellas pop off to a random island to enjoy a spot of hunting, horse riding and general Little do they know, that on said island, the food of the Gods (the white gloop) has been discovered by a farmer and his wife and subsequently fed to their chickens. Cue the biggest Cock you ever saw (Chicken joke). Unfortunately, it's not only the chickens that took advantage of this new found nectar. Wasps and big, f*ck-off rats are on the war path.
It's down to the football "jock", a pregnant couple, the farm owner and a greedy businessman to save themselves and stop this "stuff" eeking out into the world.
Tagline: "One taste is all it takes"
Budget: $?
Gross: $?
Fun Fact: The film was "based on a part of an H.G. Wells story".
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