Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tourist Trap

In the south of the US, the tourist trap is a common and popular sight. What isn't quite so common or quite so popular is the demented folk that run 'em.

Plot: A group of early 20's are travelling through Americas' heartland when a puncture ruins the tyre on one of the two cars. Heading up the road to fix it, Woody (awesome name) finds a gas station, in a state of severe disrepair (this is usually the warning). Knocking on the door and then wandering into the back room, Woody is trapped. Mannequins then begin to burst out of the walls and ridicule him (a touch harsh I feel). Well, he dies. The second car then heads up the same road, eventually breaking down too, this time near a wax work museum. The rural fellow that runs it seems awfully pleasant and offers his assistance.

Guess what happens next.

Oddly, this film isn't just ya regular crazy bloke in the backwoods of beyond movie, this one's got telekinetic powers. Enjoy.

Budget: $?

Gross: $?

Fun Fact: The composer- Pino Donaggio also did the music for Crawlspace and Pirahna. Author- Stephen King is a fan of the film...takes all sorts right.

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