This 1985 murder mystery comedy, brings together a group of the best comedic actors around to find out...Who dun' it?!
Plot: The men and women of the board game Clue (Cluedo for the British readers) are brought together by suspicious note to a large and Gothic house, in the middle of nowhere, on a dark and stormy night. They are greeted by Tim Curry- the butler who, by his own admission, buttles. They all sit down for tea and throughout the course of the evening are not only confronted with the misdeeds they have committed and are subsequently being blackmailed for, but bear witness to a string of murders, ranging from the throttling of the 'rather chesty' Yvette-the maid, to the repetitious death of the mysterious, Mr Boddy. The film takes the form of a comic farce, with cast members rattling through dialogue and rooms like there's an abundance of both, which there is.
Gross: $14,643,997
Line of the film: "It's you and me, Honeybunch!"
Watch out for the other board game references that come from the 'mad scientist' himself-Christopher Lloyd-Professor Plum (Back to the Future).
Fun Fact: Princess Leah (Carrie Fisher) was scheduled to play Miss Scarlett, but she bowed out and went to rehab instead. The set was eventually purchased by Dynasty.
Plot: The men and women of the board game Clue (Cluedo for the British readers) are brought together by suspicious note to a large and Gothic house, in the middle of nowhere, on a dark and stormy night. They are greeted by Tim Curry- the butler who, by his own admission, buttles. They all sit down for tea and throughout the course of the evening are not only confronted with the misdeeds they have committed and are subsequently being blackmailed for, but bear witness to a string of murders, ranging from the throttling of the 'rather chesty' Yvette-the maid, to the repetitious death of the mysterious, Mr Boddy. The film takes the form of a comic farce, with cast members rattling through dialogue and rooms like there's an abundance of both, which there is.
Gross: $14,643,997
Line of the film: "It's you and me, Honeybunch!"
Watch out for the other board game references that come from the 'mad scientist' himself-Christopher Lloyd-Professor Plum (Back to the Future).
Fun Fact: Princess Leah (Carrie Fisher) was scheduled to play Miss Scarlett, but she bowed out and went to rehab instead. The set was eventually purchased by Dynasty.
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