This 1981, Roger Corman produced Sci-Fi has a little of what ya fancy...including the most ridiculously obscene scene possible.
Plot: The Master (leader of the known universe), who has a glowing red head, sends a spaceship and a hand picked team (including Freddy Kruger and Joanie from Happy Days) to a world to rescue a downed spaceship and investigate what happened. The Captain is shell shocked and daring, two members of the crew think they ought to be boss and there's a bald guy that lives and dies by the Crystal (weapons that resemble that boomerang thing from Krull). While wandering around the downed ship, one guy is killed by a two fingered alien thing- the crew don't seem that bothered by his passing and decide to pop along to this giant pyramid thing they've seem and have a look around. That's when it all goes a little weird.
Scene of the film: Giant slug lovin'. (directed by Corman himself and which reveals an ample bossom)
Budget: $?
Gross: $?
Fun Fact: James Cameron (Aliens, Terminator 2) was Production Designer.
Plot: The Master (leader of the known universe), who has a glowing red head, sends a spaceship and a hand picked team (including Freddy Kruger and Joanie from Happy Days) to a world to rescue a downed spaceship and investigate what happened. The Captain is shell shocked and daring, two members of the crew think they ought to be boss and there's a bald guy that lives and dies by the Crystal (weapons that resemble that boomerang thing from Krull). While wandering around the downed ship, one guy is killed by a two fingered alien thing- the crew don't seem that bothered by his passing and decide to pop along to this giant pyramid thing they've seem and have a look around. That's when it all goes a little weird.
Scene of the film: Giant slug lovin'. (directed by Corman himself and which reveals an ample bossom)
Budget: $?
Gross: $?
Fun Fact: James Cameron (Aliens, Terminator 2) was Production Designer.