Filmed in 1968 and based on an Italian comic book character.
Plot: Danger Diabolik stars John Phillip Law (Barbarella) as Diabolik, a thief who has stolen over the years, a fortune from the Italian government. He has a 1960's hide out, that means its all psychedelic, he has a pimped out Jaguar car and a rather attractive lady friend...there's even a revolving bed. It's Robin Hood meets James Bond meets black leather.
This film simply throws every 1960's trick and look at the film.
Fun Fact: Music by spaghetti western guru, Ennio Morricone. The film was also a major influence on Roman Coppola's (Francis's boy- brother of Sofia) film, CQ.
Plot: Danger Diabolik stars John Phillip Law (Barbarella) as Diabolik, a thief who has stolen over the years, a fortune from the Italian government. He has a 1960's hide out, that means its all psychedelic, he has a pimped out Jaguar car and a rather attractive lady friend...there's even a revolving bed. It's Robin Hood meets James Bond meets black leather.
This film simply throws every 1960's trick and look at the film.
Fun Fact: Music by spaghetti western guru, Ennio Morricone. The film was also a major influence on Roman Coppola's (Francis's boy- brother of Sofia) film, CQ.
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