This 1982 feature film adaptation (by Wes 'Kruger' Craven) of the comic book Swamp Thing, written by the king of graphic novels, Alan Moore, is, by all manner of thought...a bad film.
Don't get me wrong, there are silly and fun scenes...but mainly, it's a pastiche of a great idea.
Plot: Louisiana, swamp, mad scientist and a whoopsie moment, then the doc gets covered in ooze and mutates, oh and his mrs is killed, so he goes crazy. Fun, fun, fun for all the family.
Best to just read the comics, they have depth and aren't just about a bloke that looks like a green, gooey weed with muscles.
Budget: $3,000,000
Fun Fact: Joel Silver (fella that produced The Matrix) is producing a remake in 3D. Yes there's a sequel, no it's not worth watching.
Don't get me wrong, there are silly and fun scenes...but mainly, it's a pastiche of a great idea.
Plot: Louisiana, swamp, mad scientist and a whoopsie moment, then the doc gets covered in ooze and mutates, oh and his mrs is killed, so he goes crazy. Fun, fun, fun for all the family.
Best to just read the comics, they have depth and aren't just about a bloke that looks like a green, gooey weed with muscles.
Budget: $3,000,000
Fun Fact: Joel Silver (fella that produced The Matrix) is producing a remake in 3D. Yes there's a sequel, no it's not worth watching.
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