Released in 1987, directed by Joe Gremlins Dante and starring Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan and Martin Short, Innerspace is a homage to the 1966 classic story, The Fantastic Voyage.
Plot: A pilot (Dennis Quaid) and his pod are shrunken to microscopic size and ready to be injected into a rabbit, then naughty folk break into the lab, intent on stealing the microchips that make the process possible. However, the lead scientist retrieves the syringe and accidentally injects a grocery clerk (Martin Short). The pilot is able to communicate with the clerk and they go to find Quaid's ex (Meg Ryan). All the while the bad guys are chasing em, then there's this other pod injected into the clerk and his immune system starts fighting, as do the two pilots.
It's one of those ridiculous films from the 80's that you can't help but adore. There's twist and turn after turn.
Budget: $ Dunno?
Gross: $25,893,810
Fun Fact: Won Best Visual Effects at the Academy Awards in 1988.
Plot: A pilot (Dennis Quaid) and his pod are shrunken to microscopic size and ready to be injected into a rabbit, then naughty folk break into the lab, intent on stealing the microchips that make the process possible. However, the lead scientist retrieves the syringe and accidentally injects a grocery clerk (Martin Short). The pilot is able to communicate with the clerk and they go to find Quaid's ex (Meg Ryan). All the while the bad guys are chasing em, then there's this other pod injected into the clerk and his immune system starts fighting, as do the two pilots.
It's one of those ridiculous films from the 80's that you can't help but adore. There's twist and turn after turn.
Budget: $ Dunno?
Gross: $25,893,810
Fun Fact: Won Best Visual Effects at the Academy Awards in 1988.