Released in 2003 and directed by Kazuhisa Takenouchi for the Toei studio, this animated feature is the perfect blend of elaborate, colourful headonism and Daft Punk (who came up with the concept).
Plot: Maniacal record producer somehow kidnaps a band of blue faced performers from a parallel universe and proceeds to make a fortune with them, but a fan in a spaceship comes to the rescue.
It's a musical, I think. I love it, but I've never had a harder time pin pointing a specific genre for a film. It's awesome and if you like Daft Punk and their music you can't fail to see and relish this film.
Budget: $4,000,000
Plot: Maniacal record producer somehow kidnaps a band of blue faced performers from a parallel universe and proceeds to make a fortune with them, but a fan in a spaceship comes to the rescue.
It's a musical, I think. I love it, but I've never had a harder time pin pointing a specific genre for a film. It's awesome and if you like Daft Punk and their music you can't fail to see and relish this film.
Budget: $4,000,000
Fun Fact: Empire film magazine regarded the film as little more than cartoons for Daft Punk videos, I see their rationale, but Empire tend to talk crap most of the time, so who you gonna trust, eh?
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