Sunday, 27 February 2011


Filmed in 1987 by Barbet Schroeder and produced by American Zoetrope, this telling of the classic Charles Bukowski story stars Mickey Rourke as the lead, Henry Chinaski and co-stars Faye Dunaway.

Plot: Henry is a drunk, a barfly, he hangs around the local pub and fights the barman on a regular basis, usually losing. He also writes and flirts in a an oddly successful and lacklustre way. He meets a woman (Dunaway) and moves in with her straight away, two drunks understanding in each other the same things.

There really isn't a great deal more to this story, but it is as a story and in the telling, that we delve into this life they lead. Henry is the a functioning alcoholic who writes short stories and has them discovered...not that it really changes anything but the amount of drinks he can buy.

It's an odd cast. Rourke plays a character, but having read some of bukowski's more widely spread novels and having see the recent film of his book Factotum, I'm not convinced that he plays Chinaski and not just a random, aggressive drunk. This film doesn't capture Bukowski's writing as faithfully as it could, shame.

If you are a fan and given the prose, you should Matt Dillon's 2005 version of Factotum.  

Fun Fact: Faye Dunaway insisted on a lingering shot of her legs in one scene. Whether it was to prove her sexuality or whether she simply thought it added to the character I don't know, she did have great legs for a then, 45 year old though.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Teen Wolf

Ever fancied seeing a full length advert for 'Bic'? Well here it is...1985 style.

Michael J.Fox (Do I really need to tell you?!) stars as the teenage, high school basketball player, intent on getting his rocks off with the hot blonde girl, but she's got a fella and Micky J just ain't hot enough...until he gets worked up and becomes a were-wolf...cue the eighties pop song and revel in the wolf dancing.

Moral of the story?...Women dig hairy fellas!

Gross: $33,086,661

Fun Fact: Directed by Rod Daniel, the man that brought us K9. There was a TV series (Teen Wolf, imaginative title, i'm sure you'll agree) and sequel, Teen Wolf Too starring comedic genius, Jason Bateman, as the original wolfs cousin.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Illustrated Man

Released in 1969, The Illustrated Man is a film based on three of eighteen short stories by the Sci-Fi maestro, Ray Bradbury.

It's rubbish!

Starring Rod Steiger, this film follows a tattooed traveller, who meets another traveller and tells him the story attached to each of his full body illustrations (that includes bum and todger). It encompasses alternate realities, space travel and the end of the world...all on a very low budget it is clear to see. The whole thing is bitty and laborious from beginning to end.

Why is it cult? Cult ain't always good folks...on this occasion, it's the films poor showing at the box office, it's realitve obscurity and the fact that it is based on Bradbury's works...loosely and lazily.

Fun Fact: Director Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) was hired in 2007 to remake this disaster...we're still waiting, but not really that bothered.